Tiana went to Scotland with Joel.

September 11: Time to go.

I will be blogging every day from Sept 11-26.

Joel and I woke up from a rubish slumber at 4:00am to catch the train from Amsterdam Central to Schipol. We made good timing with our flight for 8:45am. I was nervous leading up to today about if the flight mightve seen delays. Luckily, everything was in order and the flight left on time. We took a train into London from Luton airport, and then had a few hours to kill.

We paid £15 to store 2 or our heaviest bags for 3 hours. We went for lunch at a Nandos nearby, at Brunswick Centre. I remember back in the era of British YouTube, Nandos was all the rage. I always wanted to try it. It really lived up to the hype. Decent prices for an awesome helping of food! Hard to come by especially since I am just coming from NL where portions are often weak. The sauce jar gimmick is actually really fun. And the medium spice was surprisingly intense!! And free ice water! Unheard of in Europe... it felt like home... lol. Joel and I both got the vegan wrap. We both got the two sides deal and shared: broccoli, fries, rainbow slaw, and garlic bread.

We headed back and sat around the train station for a while, waiting for our train to glasgow, where we'll spend a night. We picked up our bags, got some snacks for the 6 hour ride, and napped.

The train wasn't very comfortable but the experience was worthwhile. The views as we entered Scotland were amazing. The accent of the train conductors over the trip slowly melted into one from glasgow.

My card didn't work on the bus to the airbnb, so I got a free ride. Once we arrived, we crashed!

See you tomorrow!

I didn't keep my word about blogging, but I did vlog! Watch our UK vlogs.